
Showing posts from May, 2020

Is a little sunshine too much to ask for?

Hey My Beautiful Darlings, I know I didn't type anything out last week. I had a rough weekend, I don't know... my headspace just wasn't right. I still struggle everyday but it's getting easier. Maybe I just give less shit than I did last week... that's always a possibility. Everything's starting toopen back up, that's definitely helping. I am starting to feel a little bit more normalcy returning. I was able to go out and have a beer at the craftcade, it had to have been one of the best ciders I've had in a long long long time. I don't know there's just something about getting a beverage fresh out of the tap that's just Little Slice of Heaven. The weather was a little nicer this week; I even had one of those runs that reminded me why I love running -it was just easy and effortless. I actually had to stop myself from running Full Speed Ahead, everything just felt so good. It's been a while since I've had a run like that. I definitely ne