Is a little sunshine too much to ask for?

Hey My Beautiful Darlings, I know I didn't type anything out last week. I had a rough weekend, I don't know... my headspace just wasn't right. I still struggle everyday but it's getting easier. Maybe I just give less shit than I did last week... that's always a possibility. Everything's starting toopen back up, that's definitely helping. I am starting to feel a little bit more normalcy returning. I was able to go out and have a beer at the craftcade, it had to have been one of the best ciders I've had in a long long long time. I don't know there's just something about getting a beverage fresh out of the tap that's just Little Slice of Heaven.

The weather was a little nicer this week; I even had one of those runs that reminded me why I love running -it was just easy and effortless. I actually had to stop myself from running Full Speed Ahead, everything just felt so good. It's been a while since I've had a run like that. I definitely needed it. It was just wonderful. I'm still waiting for my gym to open up. I go to Planet Fitness, they are being super careful and not letting people in yet. I miss it, I never thought that I would be like missing a gym where I go lift heavy things. It's coming, it's going to happen, things are going to open up and hopefully the stuff ends. I just want it to go back and I want to be able to run my race at the end of summer.

I decided that I'm not going to run another full Marathon right now. Next year I think I will have a little bit more confidence back in my running, and my pace. And that will make me feel better about running another full Marathon. Currently, I'm signed up to run two half-marathons and hopefully all goes well and they don't get canceled. I'm really fucking tired of covid-19 all my summer plans. 

Last night I had somebody asked if I wanted to run away. Tempting as that offer is, I have way too many plants and my two cats that I can never leave behind. Now as much as I love my family, I wouldn't mind running away, I'm sorry I love you mom. Happy early Mother's Day. By the way, you guys my mom is legit one of the most amazing people on the planet as are all moms. However, I think my mom happens to be the creme-de-la-creme for the simple fact that she raised not one, but two extremely badass, funny and super amazing women herself. I can promise you all, we did not make this very easy on her. Somehow she managed, and we turned out relatively well-adjusted. So just remember, you are the reason why your mom drinks sometimes. I decided I didn't want to scare the s*** out of my mom today and I'm not going to write a scary story involving like a ghost mom or something like that because, Mom... I love you

This brings me to the Bennington triangle. This is an area that was coined by a New England author Joseph citro during a radio broadcast in 1992. This area is in Southwestern Vermont, which became a hot spot due to a number of people who disappeared between 1945 and 1915. This area was popularized in books which there are chapters discussing the disappearances as well as folklore of the area. Exactly what Eckrich this triangle covers is not exactly clear however it is centered right around Glastenbury Mountain which would include areas such as Bennington, Woodford, Shaftesbury, and Somerset. Glastonbury in Somerset were at one point pretty thriving logging towns. However this began to decline in the late 19th century and the towns are almost ghost towns.

Now similar to the Bermuda Triangle or the Bridgewater Triangle there's a number of pretty f***** up s*** that happens around here. some say aliens, black holes in space and time. Her Doctor Who time is not a straight line, it's wimbley wobbly. However in the Bennington triangle it's mostly people who disappear between 1945 and 1950 it's believed five people disappeared in this area.

The first occurred on November 12th 1945, Middle Rivers, this is the name that somebody was given. Not saying his parents were new hippies what I'm saying his parents might have been the first hippies. All right, so Middle Rivers was a 74 year old man guiding a group of four Hunters up the mountains to do the hunting thing. On the way back Rivers had scouted up ahead, and was never seen again. He poofed.There was a large search trying to locate him. The only evidence that was discovered was a single rifle cartridge that was found in a stream. This disappearance occurred along the Long Trail Road area. It said that Rivers was an experienced Hunter and a fisherman who was very familiar with the local area. Again he was showing people around. So I would only follow somebody if I felt like they knew what they were doing. I generally make sure they show me the candy or puppy before I get in the van. It's just a personal policy. Based on the information that Rivers knew so much about living in and taking care of himself in the wild there is no reason why they shouldn't have been able to find him with no problems but nothing.

A year later in 1946 Paula Jean Welden who was 18, headed out for a hike on the Long Trail. Now, a lot of people watched her go including Ernest Whitman who actually gave her directions. She was seen on the trail Itself by an elderly couple. The couple claims that she was about a hundred yards ahead of them and she rounded a corner, by the time that the couple had made it up to the corner and came around the bend;  she was gone. When Paula did not return to school a huge search was started. The FBI was involved in the search and there was a $5,000 reward posted leading to her whereabouts. But nothing ever happened, nothing ever came up no evidence was ever found. She was just fucking disappeared. I read that there were  unconfirmed rumors that say she either became a wild Mountain woman or that she moved to Canada with her boyfriend- but you would think somebody would have said something or anything you know. If you see something say something. That's the rule. 

3 years exactly to the date, James Tedford veteran went missing. He was a resident of the Bennington Soldiers Home. he had been visiting relatives and was returning home on a local bus when he vanished. This is where it gets really f***** up, like this f***** with me so bad you guys. According to reports, Tedford was on the bus at the last stop before arriving in Bennington. But somehow, somewhere between the last stop and Bennington... he fucking disappeared. His shit was still in the luggage rack. the bus schedule was still sitting on his fucking seat. It's like right out of a Stephen King novel how does somebody go missing on a bus. I mean I can come up with a few reasons but generally there'd be evidence. But there was nothing, this was in 1949 and he's still never been located.

In October of 1950 8 year old Paul Jefferson  was the next to go missing. Paul's mother had left him unattended in a truck while she went to take care of some chores around the farm. She was gone for roughly an hour... Okay this was 1950, I'm assuming this isn't normal to leave your child locked in the car for an hour. Shit, probably wasn't even locked. He is probably just like kicking it in a car. When she did return he was gone. She searched everywhere, search parties were formed to look for him. Nothing was ever found even though he was wearing a bright red jacket that should have made him stick out like a sore thumb. According to one Legend, Bloodhounds had tracked the boy to a logo Highway where, again according to Legend, is where Paula had disappeared. This is just Legend, there is actually no report of it. I did some digging and I couldn't find anything.

Feida Langer, who was 53 and her cousin Herbert Elstner had left their families campsite to go on a hike. During the hike it said that Langer I had slipped and fallen into a stream. Frida told her cousin that if he would wait she would go back to the campsite, change and catch up to him. she never came back, also are finding finally made his way back to the campsite you know like what the fuc. he discovered from the family that Frida never returned oh, nobody had seen them since they had both left together. according to reports over a two-week. Five searches were conducted including aircraft, helicopters and roughly 300 searchers. No trace of Rita was ever recovered. However, on May 12th , her body was found near the Somerset Reservoir. This area had actually been extensively searched only 7 months previously, there was nobody there when that area had been searched seven months previously. There was an autopsy performed and no cause of death could be determined. This is the only body that was ever found of these five victims. 

Officers were unable to determine any connections between the five victims. Could this have been the work of an unknown serial? Why was only one body ever recovered? Is there something there? Something we don't know about yet? Maybe it's an entrance to a parallel universe?  I'm not going to pretend to know, but I'm definitely not going hiking in this area anytime soon.

Until next week sweeties;  stay creepy and wash your fucking hands


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