Will run for sheet cake

Wednesday night was speed work. Per Tessa, if you don't wanna cuss the whole time, you're doing it wrong. I started to cuss at my 6th 400 meter sprint. I still had 6 to go. Did I wanna quit? Yup. Did I think about calling my mom to rescue me... yup. But I finished, I went home to devour a ramen size bowl of spaghetti with gluten free garlic bread. What was missing? Cake.. lots of cake. I run cause I get to eat more food... delicious savory foods.  Food is a great motivator,  hell, I'm a free meal away from being your new best friend. The real struggle is knowing how much cake is too much cake... or how much working out do I need to do to eat an entire sheet cake? Anyone know? This is a legit question... DM me your answers... I think I can test these theories.
I finished my first week of training with an easy 5k Friday  and a 7 mile run Saturday morning.  11 weeks to go until Fargo.
I have never been a fan if dolls, the ones on the store shelves that start talking when you walk by? Yeah, they got the devil in them and should be bburnt.The fear of dolls has a very Latin name of 'pediophobia'. Say it... it tasted horrible in my mouth. Dolls have part of culture dating back to a 4,000 year old stone c
doll found in 2004. Ancient Egyptian dolls have been found, native American dolls and so many more. All giving younger generations a creative outlook for tea parties along with many other games. Not all dolls are ment for tea parties,  unless satan is the host.
I found a new creepy doll today for our serving of creepy pasta.  Let's all get to know Charlie the haunted doll 😱
Charlie was found in the 1960's, in a Victorian home. The doll was found in the attic with newspapers from the 1930's and an aged paper with the lord's prayer.... FUCKING BURN IT DUDE. The family contained 5 daughters,  I couldn't find their ages but I did find some good information on Atlasobsura.com that the youngest was 4.  The family felt the Charlie fit in perfectly with their existing doll collections.  Seriously,  wtf is wrong with this family... dolls are the worst. The family added Charlie to the collection and paid little mind to it. That is until they noticed Charlie had started to move from place to place on the doll shelf. The kids denied any responsibility but as the Fresh Prince sang, parents just don't understand. (god I'm old )
The children started to fear Charlie,  unlike the rest of the collection 🤷‍♀️. The youngest told the parents that charlie spoke to her as she was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Sadly, the parents blamed this on the child's wild imagination.  While the parents never saw anything, all 5 children would refuse to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Fearing the doll. All 5 kids would avoid going near the doll.

It wasn't until one of the kids woke up covered in scratches.  The daughter told the parents it wasn't the cat, but it was Charlie.  The parents finally had enough and placed Charlie back in the truck,  with the same yellowed paper, in the attic. So.lon life returned to normal amd the doll forgotten.
Years later when the kids had grown, the house was sold. The trunk and all its contents were sold at a yard sale. Information says the doll was sold to a woman with a doll collection- but why? I collect mushrooms,  way cooler and safer. Never heard of a haunted mushroom, only bad trips from mushrooms. Sorry mom
The owner did reveal the whole story of charlie before the sale. Since then, Charlie has changed owners several times.
To this day Charlie has been known to move from time to time but his ghostly powers seem to only be unlocked by children.
Where Charlie came from or his whole history, it remains a mystery.  He is currently located in Salam MA in an oddity shop.
Research said the owner of the shop is happy to share Charlie's tale, I for one, will be keeping my distance.
Stay sharp, stay vigilant,  stay creepy
Until next time


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