2020 has to be cursed... right?

I swear some weeks and people are cursed. Traveling is tough and having a trade that I work in means lots of cursed days, weeks and yup, me. I discovered WAY to late that I should not ever walk barefoot on new gym floors. My feet are not okay with this. I had to miss way more running then I planned on, but just because it gets hard or I miss, doesn’t mean that I quit. I picked it back up and was able to get all my runs in this week. Was it easy? Nope, I was exhausted all week. My legs and feet are still sore. On to another week and a new adventure.

According to ye’ ole Google, Mercury isn’t in retrograde until June 2020, but the time change, Friday the 13th and my working 10 days straight… sure feels like something is out to get us all. Got me thinking of curses and how they work… which is a HUGE rabbit hole. So lets break this down nice and easy before we get into it :)

A curse is simply, just words. In a curse it is the wish that troubles, rough weather, illness etc are placed upon a person. Generally, this is just an insult but there are certain societies and cultures where people who say a curse is evil, a… I’mma say it… witch. Some societies which believe in curses use potions, herbs, or even poisons involved in the practice.

While on my rabbit hole of a journey I found this nugget of creepy and thought I would share it today. Enjoy my sweet creepy angels.

Hungry and its people have been dogged by a malevolent spell or curse for well over a millennium, having roots go all the way back to 1000 AD. At this time, King Stephens ruled over Magyaroszag…. I’m going to call this Hungry… as I need to be able to type this a bit faster then sneezing with my hands…
ANYWAY- Steven ruled his land with an iron fist, he tried to force the people of Hungry to convert to Christianity and through this behavior ancient beliefs were set aside to be forgotten. As expected, not everyone was jazzed to drop everything they knew and attempt to follow a religion they knew nothing about, nor did they want to. A rebellion was formed, once formed this rebellion was responsible for the torture and death of a country wide slaughter or clergy men.

The vanquished adherents of the old Hungarian religion called upon a powerful shaman to come to their aid. The shaman cast a 1,000-year curse upon the newly Christian country. While the full details of the curse are unknown, a pall of gloom and doom has been said to hang over Hungary ever since. As proof, some point to the fact that Hungary had the highest suicide rate in the world during much of the 20th century. Not only that, but depression persisted as a nationwide problem and Hungarians had a tendency to die much earlier than most European peoples. The pagan shaman’s curse was supposed to have expired in the year 2000, but the situation in Hungary hasn’t really improved since.  https://listverse.com/
What do you think my creepy angels? Do you think that curses are real? I’m sure my love life is cursed #whyi’msingle or maybe its Trump… can he be the reason why?

Stay safe my creepy angels. Don’t touch people… you’ll get the plague and have to stay home for 2 weeks.

Until next time


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