Saved by the Bell

The only good thing about this self isolation shit is that spring is finally here and we can all spend endless time outside…. The downside? I have horrible allergies. Do you have any idea the looks I get sneezing, runny nose, scratchy throat…. Man, people must think I’m #patientzero. Thankfully, I’ve been healthy, my family is healthy… well, not Covid sick… so ;) Work is getting crazy, some places won’t let anyone in. Somehow my position is considered ‘essential’… not sure how, but thankfully I’m able to work. Recently, schools have decided to switch to online. It’s madness. Never thought in my lifetime I would experience a plague like situation that didn’t involve zombies… that I was totally prepared for… really.

Running has switched to stamina training rather then race day prep. I know there are many other races, but this one in May is one of my favorites (besides my hometown race). The crowd and community support that Fargo provides is something else. I highly suggest adding this race to your to-do or bucket list. I love seeing so many people out and active right now. That makes my heart just happy.

Most kids are super jazzed to not have to go into school right now. Reality will set in soon and they’ll have to suck up and go to school online HAHA! I’m sure once the ‘adjustment’ phase is over, parents and kids will get along well with it. I’m sure when kids are able to go back to school they might be jazzed, just to see there friends. But imagine going back to a haunted school. That's the reality of the students at El Paso High School in El Paso TX.
El Paso High School 1913-1916 - DIGIE
Built in 1916, the building cost roughly $500,000 (roughly 11.8 MILLION dollars). The classroom floors feature real maple flooring. Let me sip my coffee while staring at my lovely laminate flooring #i’mtrash #iaintevenmad. Strange sightings have been reported around the school since it first opened. The school itself has been a part of history over the last 100 years… like the crazy ass labyrinth in the basement which was used as a morgue. During both the Spanish flu epidemic and World War 2. Further in the basement, facility and staff have found complete classrooms sealed off, left in perfect condition, less the dust. Granted, the school has had to alter classroom location over the last 100 years… I’m sure… The classroom had antique desks, 5 cent Baby Ruth candy bars, student textbooks and notebooks, waiting for class to start again. A second classroom was located close by, also ready for students. One of the notebooks contained notes, algebra equations, and a love letter to another student.

Over the years, people have reported slamming doors, phantom pep rallies, and even full games. The school is always empty after a search of the grounds.

One teacher told a tale that he was leaving one night, late, and saw a girl in a blue dress in the hallway. Certain that this gal wasn’t supposed to be in the school, the teacher approached her to tell her to leave. The girl slowly turned her head towards him with a sad face :( and faded away.

During basketball practice one night, 2 access doors leading to the tunnels blew open- violently. Assuming that a freak gust of wind from one of the chimneys forced the doors open, the team placed a heavy bench in front of the doors to block it. A short time later, the bench flew across the gym and the doors slammed open. Needless to say, the team and coaches bounced out… see what I did there?

The track team was returning from an away meet back in the 1970’s or early 1980’s. It was late when team returned, the students went to the locker rooms to gather their belongings… the coach heard the school song in the distance, cheering students, and cheerleaders coming from the second floor auditorium. Thinking that the school was there to surprise the team, he ran towards the auditorium. Once he reached the doors, all the sounds suddenly halted. The doors were locked, lights off. The coach unlocked the doors and saw that there was no sign of any pep rally. He returned to the team in the locker rooms. Once in the locker rooms, the sounds of the rally returned. Now, I would have deduced out of there like no tomorrow, but this coach figured it was best to GO BACK TO THE AUDITORIUM. But this time, he was like, Yup, I’m bringing the kids this time. Once again, the rally suddenly quit… the coach and students searched the auditorium only to find it empty. This time, they GTFO. About damn time if you ask me… what sort of coach sends kids into a possible haunted pep rally- bro, that’s a team I’m def not going to be part of.

Another tale is tied to a student who slit their wrists (Please know it does get better, don’t give up on your awesome self- Talk to someone) and leaped from a balcony to her death… I get it, some people think high school is the time of their life, I promise you, these people peaked in HS, they are going nowhere… there is so much more to life then fucking high school. This was reported so often that the school FUCKING BUILT A WALL to cut off access to the hallway and balcony. However, no matter how strong that wall is… people are going to get around it, over it or through it.-Yeah, ya hear that Trump? Walls only keep out honest people... These brave souls have returned with stories of slime…. Yeah… slime dripping from the walls and ceiling- I would have boarded up the area just to avoid cleaning it. I don’t even mow my own lawn #ThanksDanny cause I’ve come to realize that no matter what I do… its just not a thing I’m willing to do. Maybe some poor custodian saw that and noped the fuck out of there.

Back in 1985, the graduating class gathered for a class picture. This picture is unlike most class pictures (they didn’t even try to make a design or anything *gasp)
In an interview with; a teacher by the name of Tobias (Toby) Tover…Everyone else in the photo shows up clear and distinct, but there is one young lady whose features are faint and fuzzy. Her image looks like it was inserted after the photo was taken,”
Looking at the image, only a few seem to feel that something isn’t quite right. The rest of the horde seemed unaware of the disturbance. What do you think? Fact? Fiction? Hoax?
El Paso High School Ghosts - The Most Haunted School in Texas?
The school is still in operation today. This sounds like a school I would have actually gone to *most days #sorrymom.

Until next time- Stay creepy & wash your hands


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