Is this the PLAGUE?

Starting a new training plan is always scary, even more so when your sinuses are plugged Maybe it’s the Corona virus coming to start a new epic plague. As Dwight would say, ‘its been a while since we’ve had a good plague’
But nevertheless, I persisted. I’ve managed to get 2 training runes already under me. Monday was a nice 4 mile run at an 11 minute pace (I’m not very fast- I’m proud of this fact). Today I was able to get a nice easy 5K in. Tonight will be some lifting at the gym… as my coach says “Bitch, you gotta cross train!” Now, as my coach is a certified badass, I will not disappoint her. She could quite literally kick my ass to Fargo and back without breaking a sweat. Tessa, I love you and thank you dearly for putting up with my bullshit!!! I suffer from anxiety and depression, some days getting up to run is worse than watching paint dry or having a kick in the face with a golf shoe… some days, I would rather have the golf shoe beat down. Running is a way for me to address the thoughts in my head and figure my shit out. Granted, while running I solve all the worlds problems… only to promptly forget as I generally am racing to the bathroom so I don’t pee (or lets face it... shit) my pants 😊 There is always a moment where everything seems to be okay, even if that moment is fleeting. I will keep running because maybe one day that okay feeling will be present in my non-running world.

Before I bust out a sweet little ditty I stumbled upon, a few shout outs to some people whose awesome knows no bounds:
Danny Janke- @VonJankensten- My Brother from another mother- you are a lifesaver! Thanks for being amazing… and PLEASE FINISH YOUR STORY ON TWITTER SO I CAN SHARE IT!
Amanda Gessner-  @mandas353 my ride or die bitch! I love you dearly and am so glad we are friends
Susie S- @MissSusie66- You are a total badass and I love having you in my life
Quentin Schumacher- @qschumacher- my first homie- Thanks for being AMAZING!
Vikti G. L Robinson- @hufflepuffrogue- You’ve seen parts of my no one should need to see IE you changed my diapers and I miss you like crazy! I need to get to your state so we can have coffee or something!
Thank you all for giving me hope that people might actually read my silly stories and enjoy my madness

The history on this place is VAST AF so, if this story got you going, please check out the history, its pretty creepy.

I recalled hearing about this place from Danny Years ago… I’m sure we talked about taking a road trip to try to sneak in- BRO DM me, lets make this a day trip. Today I would like to talk about the San Haven Sanatorium- just thinking about this place gives me creepy pasta to think about while running.
Built in 1912 or 1909 depending on where you look- in the Turtle Mountains of ND (its North Dakota, our mountains are glorified large hills) This started with a whole 12 patients.  Seems like a nice get away from the crazy life which people lived in the early 1900’s in North Dakota… this place was POPPIN! The Sanatorium was originally built as a treatment location for tuberculosis.When the TB epidemic started to lessen in the states, the hospital received more and more patients from the nearby hospital for the feeble minded. In time, the hospital soon housed over 1,300 ‘feeble minded’ patients. I personally would like to bring this term back into use…. But I would use it for people who can’t pull their heads out of their ass and grow the fuck up… I digress – back to the history. Treatment of the mentally ill has never been great… but even in the 1970’s the treatment given at the San Haven Sanatorium was questionable at best. As with any sanatorium, over crowding and under-staffing lead to seriously fucked up treatment of patients. Thankfully the sanatorium closed in 1992. Now Living my whole life in wonderful North Dakota, I can assure you that its beauty can only be beaten (quite literally) only by the freezing winters. This once beautiful land, which the native tribe of the Chippewa was the *RIGHTFUL* owner to (please don’t get me started on the nasty shit English settlers did, it’s a tangent that will take ages) now claim this land to be haunted by their ancestors. 
I will credit Ghost Adventures (watch the episode, its pretty good, even with Zak ) Nd Legendary , and Ghosts of North Dakota for my research.
San Haven was featured on Ghost Adventures in June of 2017- I’m sure our boy Zak was probably possessed or attacked and freaked out in his acid washed jeans. In the show a Native North Dakotan by the name of Willy, shows a hidden cemetery for babies, most of which passed from TB.

Here’s some creepy pasta for you to digest :
In 2001 a teenage investigator mysteriously feel to his death a the bottom of an elevator shaft… This is my nightmare, I hate elevators but love the convince of the elevator. According to my boi Zak, anyone who steps foot into this place feels the affects. Zak said people even act differently once on location.- Y'all, I'mma make fun of Zak cause he is a TOOL of epic proportions... but I freaking LOVE GHOST ADVENTURES

People report hearing noises, like crying babies…. I can’t even- babies

Apparitions and demons

One anonymous commenter on stated “Go to the 5th floor park in the front. The time I was up there I will never forget beware of something that’s as loud as thunder, sounds like white noise at first then as it gets closer, sounds like a horse carriage.” This commenter went on to say that not all of your photos will properly develop, you might hear your own name being called (and I’d nope the fuck out of there right quick) voices; thought to be nurses, talking behind your back, feeling anxious, visitors might receive hand prints or scratches. The commenter also stated “check out the 5th floor roof at night time and take lots of pictures, what you will find will be disturbing as fuck on them. There are a lot of demons that lurk there. Do not mistake them for troubled spirits."

Another comment from EldaN. Stated “I live near San haven, I could never forget the sound of babies crying” (ok, I got me some chicken skin- CREEPY PASTA SERVED)

The San Haven Sanatorium is a privately owned location. If anyone is looking to road trip, please contact the current owner(I’m not posting their shit, give me credit here people) to make sure you have permission to investigate or have some Tom Foolery. And for me… stay away from the elevator

Until next time my sweet creepy angels


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