
Showing posts from March, 2020

Saved by the Bell

The only good thing about this self isolation shit is that spring is finally here and we can all spend endless time outside…. The downside? I have horrible allergies. Do you have any idea the looks I get sneezing, runny nose, scratchy throat…. Man, people must think I’m #patientzero. Thankfully, I’ve been healthy, my family is healthy… well, not Covid sick… so ;) Work is getting crazy, some places won’t let anyone in. Somehow my position is considered ‘essential’… not sure how, but thankfully I’m able to work. Recently, schools have decided to switch to online. It’s madness. Never thought in my lifetime I would experience a plague like situation that didn’t involve zombies… that I was totally prepared for… really. Running has switched to stamina training rather then race day prep. I know there are many other races, but this one in May is one of my favorites (besides my hometown race). The crowd and community support that Fargo provides is something else. I highly suggest addin

Mask, my heart for a mask

Y’all, I have never been so over the flu season as much as I am now. All my fun seems to be canceled. My dear friend Miranda and I were going to see And That’s Why We Drink (podcast- super amazing- I love them, listen to them… tell your friends) The half marathon I’ve been training for was rescheduled until August. Not going to lie, as much as I saw it coming…. It hurt my heart. But as Tessa said, its best to look at this now as stamina training and I’ll kill it in the fall. Now I just need to find the motivation I have lost. Everyone seems to be in a quarantine… or getting ready for it… PLEASE LEAVE SOME TP FOR THE REST OF US- for fucks sake. Its a GD flu- I get it, its bad and its not good – don’t @ me. Yeah, there might be a quarantine BUT not everyone is able to buy 12 cases of ass wipe at a time… just saying- rant over :) Let's start a new fashion trend!!! Most people are finding themselves stuck in a house with people you don’t spend all that much time with IE fami

2020 has to be cursed... right?

I swear some weeks and people are cursed. Traveling is tough and having a trade that I work in means lots of cursed days, weeks and yup, me. I discovered WAY to late that I should not ever walk barefoot on new gym floors. My feet are not okay with this. I had to miss way more running then I planned on, but just because it gets hard or I miss, doesn’t mean that I quit. I picked it back up and was able to get all my runs in this week. Was it easy? Nope, I was exhausted all week. My legs and feet are still sore. On to another week and a new adventure. According to ye’ ole Google, Mercury isn’t in retrograde until June 2020, but the time change, Friday the 13 th and my working 10 days straight… sure feels like something is out to get us all. Got me thinking of curses and how they work… which is a HUGE rabbit hole. So lets break this down nice and easy before we get into it :) A curse is simply, just words. In a curse it is the wish that troubles, rough weather, illness etc

Are we as alone as we feel?

Traveling can be so much fun. Being able to check out the local atmosphere. I, however, am traveling for work. At best, I see the dirty, dusty walls of the job site OR my hotel room. I am def living a dream. Wednesday night, the wonderful people next door left their TV on all night. The laugh track helped me dream that I was in a horrible comedy club. #itsnotthatfunny #sotiredithurts Kidding- I actually LOVE my job and my amazing co-workers- who I’m guessing will never read this… BUT one of them suggested this topic. Thanks Joe- I appreciate the topic suggestion. Training while traveling is a challenge. I push my morning self into getting on the treadmill. I’ll own it, after 12 hours on ladders or breathing in shit air, I have no desire to run. Thankfully, in the early mornings, I’m generally able to steal the treadmill before anyone else. Montana is beautiful, windy, amazing foods. I highly recommend checking it out for a visit, even if you don’t ski (I fall better than I’v