Saved by the Bell
The only good thing about this self isolation shit is that spring is finally here and we can all spend endless time outside…. The downside? I have horrible allergies. Do you have any idea the looks I get sneezing, runny nose, scratchy throat…. Man, people must think I’m #patientzero. Thankfully, I’ve been healthy, my family is healthy… well, not Covid sick… so ;) Work is getting crazy, some places won’t let anyone in. Somehow my position is considered ‘essential’… not sure how, but thankfully I’m able to work. Recently, schools have decided to switch to online. It’s madness. Never thought in my lifetime I would experience a plague like situation that didn’t involve zombies… that I was totally prepared for… really. Running has switched to stamina training rather then race day prep. I know there are many other races, but this one in May is one of my favorites (besides my hometown race). The crowd and community support that Fargo provides is something else. I highly suggest addin...