Are we as alone as we feel?

Traveling can be so much fun. Being able to check out the local atmosphere. I, however, am traveling for work. At best, I see the dirty, dusty walls of the job site OR my hotel room. I am def living a dream. Wednesday night, the wonderful people next door left their TV on all night. The laugh track helped me dream that I was in a horrible comedy club. #itsnotthatfunny #sotiredithurts Kidding- I actually LOVE my job and my amazing co-workers- who I’m guessing will never read this… BUT one of them suggested this topic. Thanks Joe- I appreciate the topic suggestion.
Training while traveling is a challenge. I push my morning self into getting on the treadmill. I’ll own it, after 12 hours on ladders or breathing in shit air, I have no desire to run. Thankfully, in the early mornings, I’m generally able to steal the treadmill before anyone else.

Montana is beautiful, windy, amazing foods. I highly recommend checking it out for a visit, even if you don’t ski (I fall better than I’ve ever skied before. Its not my thing, I know my limits). However, it might be a grand idea to avoid certain areas #IwantToBelieve

Yup, you got it, UFO sightings in Montana! What are UFO’s (I’m sure you do but, lets play for a second.) Per (yup, that’s a thing) Unidentified flying objects or UFOs are any aerial object or optical phenomenon not readily identifiable to the observer. UFOs became a major subject of interest following the development of rockerty after WW2 and were thought by some researchers to be intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. That’s right, the Third rock from the sun… SOMETHING WANTED to come here.
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Per (the National UFO Reporting Center) THATS WHAT THEY WENT WITH!!!! Nuforc… sounds like somethings stuck in my throat… or when you sneeze mid sentence; I digress. People are able to report their sightings… and that could be anything. The system creates a report and is public information (Fuck Yeah) Reports have been coming in as recently as February 10th 2020. That's like… a month from when I post this? So, this is something that is still happening. Some of these reports are creepy… super creepy.

The first listed report was January 1st 1963- “Diamond shaped UFO blocks USAF Runway”
The caller reports that both the caller and their brother saw a diamond shaped group of flashing colored, semi solid lights settled a few feet from the ground. All work stopped at the base to review and identify the objects. Days later, the brother was transferred to another location.

In October 1966 in Blackfoot Valley; The two objects were yellow-orange in color. Both had a similar oval shape (side view). I estimate the larger object to be between 75 – 125 feet wide (this is only a guess). One was significantly larger than the other. The larger object hovered an estimated 30 to 40 feet above the top of Ovando Mountain; the smaller object hovered above the larger object.
As I watched the objects I observed them to hover over Ovando Mountain in what seemed to be perfect formation. I watched the objects for at least twenty minutes as they slowly hovered up, down and around the summit of Ovando Mountain. They then made a swift ascent and disappeared in a matter of seconds.
I have no idea what the objects were, but to my death, I’ll always believe they were something I’ve never seen before or after. The U.S. was becoming heavily involved in the Vietnam War in 1966 and there were armed forces training exercises in Western Montana that summer. These objects could have been part of a training exercise, a secret military weapon or something else. But I definitely saw something. That’s reason why these sighting are correctly called “Unidentified Flying Objects”.

Let me get this… homie over here… TRAINED TO LOOK FOR FIRE- sees lights moving all over the sky in what appears to be perfect formations.. people like that generally know what they are looking at, right?

In June 1983- “ I've been missing about 5 hours or so, since I left Beach and saw the Billings city limit sign, according not only to the vehicle clock, but also via checking for the local time on a cb radio, got several answers all within a minute or so of the clock in the jeep, so my time perception was fine. But we still had a full tank of gas from filling up in Beach, ND, so that still baffles me.
2 months later I went from Orlando, Fla to Jacksonville, Fla, in just under ten minutes too. Still don't know what's going on with that. Hopefully, after all these years, someone knows something. Never actually saw a thing, though, which is the kicker.”

Gas prices were WAY better back in the 80’s, so I wouldn’t be complaining if, on a road trip, some helpful extraterrestrial were to help me with my gas. Hell- I’ll deal with probing if that helps save the gas… I live in ND, I drive a gas hog of an SUV. Help a sista out #sponcerme #brokeAF

In the 90’s there were several reports of bright lights, ranging in colors, following people then suddenly darting off like a bullet. Sometimes these objects were solid black.

In May 2002- this reports indicates they witnessed a ‘star being destroyed’ “My friends and I, were hanging out in one of the friend's yard talking and trying to find satelites and such. I was looking up and I swore I saw (what I thought was a typically star), moving left and right just enough to notice it. It wasn't flashing like stars do, it was solid. And as far as I knew only planets did that. So I thought it was a planet, but something seemed to make me second guess it. I leveled my hand with it vertically to a nearby star. The object went in and out of view from behind my hand. I started to ask them (my friends) if they saw it as well, and one of my friends said and I'm quoting "Do you see that star? It's F***ing moving man!".
We continued watching it go back and forth for several minutes. I saw a "
satellite" and pointed it out. It was going in the direction of the object, off at 30 degree or so. It continued until it passed the object on the left side. It started to go around in a large circle until it was on level with the object, and TURNED 45 degrees heading directly at it.

We were all watching it with anticipation of what was happening and freaked out. What happened next is what got us. It hit on the right side and a flash or spark went
shooting out the left side at about 3 times the speed. When it hit we all said some exclamations. Both objects were gone. Since that day I've always believed that extraterrestrials have been here for the blip of an existence we've had. And I'm pretty sure my friends are the same way.” Sounds like these friends might have stumbled upon an intergalactic battle. As much as I would like to say I would be a bad MF and make ‘pew pew pew’ noises… lets face it. Thats not very likely, I would probably challenge how fast my little legs can carry me away. Think the Monty Python… “RUN AWAY RUN AWAY”

There were 17… thats right… 17 reports in 2008. These reports mostly were of different colored lights/objects.. 2009-2010 even more reports… what is happening in Montana?
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More and more reports of lights and unidentifiable objects are reported in the 2010’s. As recently as February 2020, lights have been reported in Montana, some reports try to justify what the reporter had seen such as ‘30 satellites in a row”. Another in late 2019, said ‘These look like satellites or missiles. They were in a line exact spacing apart, coming from the southwest. Could be SpaceX”

These stories have no answers, no explanation as to what hundreds, if not thousands of people have
seen. What makes Montana a place that these UFO’s come here? Why are the reports becoming more and more frequent? We may never know the answers, but we can all start looking to the sky and hopefully we will see something we cannot explain away. Calling agents Mulder and Scully, are you here yet?
Stay creepy my darlings


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  1. When dad and I were driving back to the ranch house after fixing fence all day one night in 1984ish we were topping a hill and saw lights ahead of us we both thought was an oil field truck. As we started down the hill we were able to see a fracking UFO just above us silhouetted against the starry sky. We both saw it, and both saw it clearly 40 feet or so above us! ����


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