I'm sick of being inside--- LET ME OUT

 This isolation seems never ending. Granted, I’ve made very little changes to my life since this started. My low maintenance ways are finally paying off! I don’t dye my hair, my nails are shit…. The only thing that sucks is having to wait for my brows to get done… Y’all, I was lucky enough to be able to do this, but if you can, pre-pay for some of your services. Hair, nails, brows, massages… whatever it is, if you can… it helps. I’m hoping this brown noses me into the chair first once this is all over @ArchedandGorgeous *wink,wink.
And I got it- The best freaking key chain I’ve ever had in my life- my dear friend Kenzie made this. If you’re looking for some amazing homemade crafts- HIT HER UP! @KenzieSews. She is so fucking talented. She offers a variety of products including this amazing key chain :)
I found I’m still able to make friends- I know SHOCKER for me too.. When I learned they were from Louisiana, I wanted to dig up (get it) a little ditty from their home state as sort of a ‘Welcome” to being my friend. Maybe an early ‘GTFO’ warning… who knows, could go either way.
One thing I would love to do is visit a plantation… ya know, the classic scene from the movies- long gravel driveway, flower beds to die for… The grand entrance… yeah, I know… I’m a whore for a good porch. Can you blame me? The story of the Magnolia Plantation is at the top of my favorite haunted plantations. Some of the features of the plantation are acres of flat farmland…. I grew up in buttfuck North Dakota… there is nothing like the sight of farmland for miles #lookslikehometome. They also have oak trees that are roughly 150 years old. There are an estimated 21 different structures on the plantation some of these structures include a blacksmith shop, a store, slave quarters, slave hospitals, and the main Plantation home.
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens (Charleston, South Carolina ...
In the mid 1700s Jean Baptiste LeComet II received land grants from the French in Spanish. Even though Sean Baptiste own the property, nobody physically lived on this until his son, Ambrose and his wife Julia, moved onto the property in the 1830s. Ambrose and Julia practice a very common thing at the time which unfortunately would slave ownership.  Now, many people are under the impression that slavery has been abolished. This is a lie. Many women, men, minors and indigenous women of the the world are stolen away and sold into slavery... I mean fuck, human trafficking is it has always been slavery needs to .Fight the Power if you need help, fuck, if you can read my blog man you can get help. I digress, Ambrose and Julia used their slaves to clear a wooded acre roughly 2,000 Acres, The Plantation thrived, Providing Ambrose and Julia the funds to start building the structures some of which are still present today. These structures were built between 1835 and 1850. Due to their success at the Magnolia plantation, they were  able to even build three additional plantations. Even though there were advancements mechanically, Magnolia Plantation still hand picked their cotton for more than 100 years.
Even though the plantation was very successful, it did face a lot of hardship during its history. During the Civil War, Union soldiers burnt down the main plantation house. Ambrose and Julia and ended living in the slave Hospital. In 1852 Ambrose and Julia's daughter Ursula and her husband Matthew took over ownership of Magnolia. After that ownership continued to change hands many times over the centuries howeve;r it generally stayed within the same bloodline. Even though there's a tremendous amount of History recalling the positives of Magnolia Plantations. There are still a lot of Stories of the horrendous treatment that slaves experenced on this property. So much so, that many say that this is one of the most haunted plantations in Louisiana. 
After the Civil War many of the slaves; even though they were free and labeled as sharecroppers, they remained working on the plantation. They were able to work and use some of their earnings to purchase essentials from the plantation store. The ability to have residence as well as an income and their freedom made many of the former slaves pretty happy. On the other hand, there were still a select group of individuals that were still considered slaves. These individuals practice voodoo along with other religious types of activities. However they use their Voodoo spells to cause pain and hardship to those who made their life miserable all. I don't fucking blame them one bit. now my Heritage is Viking and if y'all see me it's really hard for me to say that I'm not Scandinavian. My Ancestors proudly raped and pillaged Europe for thousands of years which I'm proud of as an American, fuck the patriarchy. What these slaves had experienced during their time in captivity can only be described as horror. The voodoo Practitioners went as far as adding curses and spells to the headstones and crosses for the family members of the plantation owners.
Now to get to the fun stuff, and the ghosts. One of the rooms in the main house has been labeled the Dying room because so many people went to that room when they no longer wanted to live. What a name for a room, the Dyingroom for Fucks sake man. That is thought why would you name a room that.  Well there is no proof that this room is part of the voodoo curse but the fact has remained that several people throughout the years have passed away in that room.
One of the creepy stories around this location revolves around a Union Major. Stories say that he was poisoned and that Confederate soldiers drove him to insanity. Reports say that in the main house sometimes you can see the Majors face in the window of the dining room. They've also  claimed to have seen the door of the kitchen opening of its own accord. According to reports during full moons; the appearance of unusual shaped entities, generally shrouded in a mist, will appear to crawl around the kitchen on all fours.
The stories related to this Plantation were so  interesting that my boi, Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures even went and did his own little investigation. During the investigation a lot of paranormal activity was experienced and recorded. Allegedly. The team heard voices and continuous knocking when they were in the house. A figure of a woman appeared in the smoke from a lit fire. I saw the episode. I don't know man, I mean it could be. Scientifically your brain is going to find images that it recognizes for example... a face. Based off science,  have a really hard time looking at an image of smoke or clouds and say yes that's a ghost. I have just seen too much research that shows that our brain is hardwired to identify things of that nature.
Back to the story :) I'm sorry, during the investigation they ended up locking themselves in one of the cabins, believed to belong to Aunt Agnes who was a slave healer. They described hearing  chanting, they claim to have seen unusual blinking lights coming from another cabin which was supposedly empty at the time. The team also captured many EVPs on their recordings during the investigation.
During the Civil War, numerous Confederate soldiers were taken prisoner and stuffed into what would have been the slaves homes. Many of these soldiers died from suffocation. I couldn't find a lot of information on how that happened but if I don't know. It's super fucked up say something like that, that's a horrible way to die. Fucking horrible. They say that the soldiers were buried around the property in super shallow Graves, which is super comforting. There are also reports that you can hear ghosts whispering the names of people who are supposedly alive. Again I have a really hard time believing this guys. If you’re outside, it could be the wind… ya know? Maybe I'm overthinking it. They also claim that you can hear these voices in the cabins. Which, I guess. I could probably see that being a ghost maybe, allegedly. And they also say that you can see apparitions of Confederate soldiers on the property wandering around aimlessly. Some of the videos you can find online on this are pretty creepy guys. Not going to lie, watched a bunch of them last night and had to sit up and watch cartoons for a few hours., I have no shame. Kind of creeped me out. 
Case you guys this is where it gets pretty dark... the slaves obviously did not have a paradise sort of Life on this Plantation. There are reports  and evidence that some of the tortures these people experienced were pretty fucking horrible. Leg stocks were used as a form of punishment they were left there to starve and be humiliated. Those that did not survive this torture appear to remain on the property. Maybe looking for a little vengeance. I def would not blame them. There's also evidence that people would hunt down and kill the slaves; their screams can still be heard  as if someone is running away into the wooded areas.
The torture wasn't exclusive to just the property, there are also rumors of abuse in the basement of the main house. At one time the slaves were able to have a  Revolution against their abuser, they ended up murdering him. Fuck yeah they did. Fucker probably had it coming too. I hope he spends eternity feeling like he is dealing with an anal fissure. Some report that they can hear the sounds of someone screaming from the basement. There's also been reports of the sound of ankle shackles. around the main house there are numerous motion detectors, I'm assuming for security reasons. There are constant reports that these detectors go off on their own. The only explanation that people can come up with is that the sensors are send seeing ghosts. Perhaps ghosts of the slaves. Maybe soldiers or family members that have even lived on the properties over centuries. 
Well we may never know the truth if there's anything behind the veil between our world and the next. I'd like to imagine that if I get the chance to be a ghost I'm just going to spend the rest of my life scaring the shit out of all of my friends. 

Until next time my darlings. Stay creepy and wash your damn hands 



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