Just can't wait to get on the road again

Good morning, happy fucking Saturday. It's super gloomy and cloudy outside but it's not snowing so that's definitely something. It's been so nice outside this week, windy as fuck but still nice enough to get out and run.  In True North Dakota and fashion, The weather can go from 30 degrees outside to 78 sunny and feels like God damn July. Its one of the things I love about North Dakota, it's also one of the things I hate about North Dakota. My body can just never seem to get used to the temperature that I'm supposed to be in, and having allergies is pretty sweet... I'm sure there are places in the world where I might be able to breath all the time. *shrug

Thankfully, I was able to get out and get some running in, felt real good to be outside. The sun felt so good on my skin and getting those little three mile runs in just felt so good.

This isolation is really really getting old. Even though I'm able to go to work, being stuck in town 24/7 is something I'm not used to anymore. I'm used to being on the road going to work out of town, going to the bar, going out to eat what have you but I'm stuck inside. All the time. Got me thinking about going on a road trip. Hopefully when this covid-19 ends, I can finally get out of the house, it would be real nice to go someplace different. All this thinking about road trips got me thinking about some of America's haunted roads. Now it's kind of strange to think that our road itself could be hunted but if you think about it there are car accidents, drunk drivers, hit and runs, deer… North Dakota lots of fucking deer. One of the most haunted roads in America happens to be in New Jersey this is Clinton Road, a gorgeous road during the day, many locals use it to get to the forest or lakes for hiking, swimming, and other outdoor activities. However, once night falls, the darkness creeps in from the forest and imaginations might start to run wild. 
Clinton Road: A Dark Ride | Weird NJ
The road itself does not appear to be abandoned, it's innocent enough looking it's beautiful curving Road surrounded by Tall trees. Every Spring the potholes are filled, on this obviously not hunted Street. There are hiking paths just off the road and even some houses.

According to atlasobscura.com if you ask anyone in New Jersey about Clinton Road most people will respond by saying yes, haunted road, right. If you ask these people about this road they'll tell you one of the many stories about the place but they'll always be very vague. Maybe a dead child? A cannibal? Nobody really has any specifics about the road, just an overall sense of being haunted. 

Some of the stories about this place are super fucking creepy, one Legend says that years ago there was a boy who used to love riding his bike up and down this road. Obviously, as a child any road with hills, curves, and the pretty fucking sweet views.. Its the road to hit. Supposedly when this took place, the road wasn't as busy because of how far up north in New Jersey.. This was the child's normal routine; grab the family dog and go play outside. #childhoodgoals However nothing is ever perfect. #whyI'msingle HAHA. Sadly, one day disaster struck while the little boy was out on the road with his dog. The boy made a stop at a Bridge and a large truck traveling approached the bridge where the boy happened to be at.. The driver, who was fucking drunk. Don't drink and drive... for real it's like the easiest thing not to do, you just don't do it. And rant. The driver drifted and ended up hitting the boy causing him to fall from his bike and into the water where he drowned. The driver fucking left him. What a piece of fucking wet lettuce. Seriously, I hope that man gets to spend every day like he has a cramp in the middle of his foot. That just won't stop... forever. Anyway, the dog ended up dragging his dead body from the river. And just like a good boy, he protected that body... However when the police arrived the dog was so aggressive that he wouldn't let the police near the boy. Because of how aggressive he was.  The police ended up shooting and killing him.

Some of the stories indicate that if a person throws a coin into this stream the boy will throw it back at you. I wouldn't throw money back if somebody can have money at me, that makes me sound like a stripper. HAHAHA... I mean if it was coins, I’d probably would throw them back… like Fuck off bro! And Why? Why would you throw coins at a little boy? The fuck is wrong with you? At what point in history somebody be like yo, this kid died here so I'm going to go ahead and start throwing coins at it. 
Haunted Clinton Road, America's most cursed highway - FrightFind
There are also reports of a Hellhound. Sightings of a giant black beast with red eyes that runs as fast as most hard. And the Beast has been known to chase cars, the ran into the side of the car, and then the f*** away. Classy, keeping it real classy there Hellhound. These stories sometimes say that the Hellhound might have been the dog that had been protecting the little boy. Historically or fictional….shit, I got a hair in my face. Okay so most of the time hellhounds are generally assigned to you like a graveyard or maybe an omen of death or cause of death. If you're a huge fan of Supernatural... Crowley pets.

There's also a ghost truck. some say that if you're traveling down this road at night and I don't know where the bright light will appear in your rear view mirror. Like somebody is trying to run you off the road and things are getting out to get away from the jackasses… So you're in a panic because this shit is chasing you and it's a really dangerous curvy road then, out of nowhere… it’s gone… POOF.

There's also a story of a bicyclist back in 83 traveling on this road when he found a dead body in the woods. Oh that's a horrible all that that's not to be too fucking worst man. K so the body that he found was Daniel Deppner, during the autopsy, it was discovered that there were ice crystals in side of him. Indicating that to hide the actual cause or date of death the body was frozen. It was later discovered that Daniel had been killed by Richard Kuklinski, otherwise known as The Iceman. He did confess in 2006 that he did Kill and dump the bodies of hundreds of people. It really makes a person question if he did this one…. are there other than that area that maybe haven't been found? Just guessing. 

So, Clinton Road has been described as the most terrifying Road in the US by Yahoo.com, and has been featured on Travel Channel’s “Most Terrifying Places in America 2”. There are so many legends and creatures and unknown parts of this road. The best part is there's not much cell service out there. Can you imagine God that be fucking scary.

Alright… whose down for a road trip this summer? I mean let's fucking go let's go... do something fun...

Until next time my darlings. 

Stay Creepy and wash your hands


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