
Is a little sunshine too much to ask for?

Hey My Beautiful Darlings, I know I didn't type anything out last week. I had a rough weekend, I don't know... my headspace just wasn't right. I still struggle everyday but it's getting easier. Maybe I just give less shit than I did last week... that's always a possibility. Everything's starting toopen back up, that's definitely helping. I am starting to feel a little bit more normalcy returning. I was able to go out and have a beer at the craftcade, it had to have been one of the best ciders I've had in a long long long time. I don't know there's just something about getting a beverage fresh out of the tap that's just Little Slice of Heaven. The weather was a little nicer this week; I even had one of those runs that reminded me why I love running -it was just easy and effortless. I actually had to stop myself from running Full Speed Ahead, everything just felt so good. It's been a while since I've had a run like that. I definitely ne

Just can't wait to get on the road again

Good morning, happy fucking Saturday. It's super gloomy and cloudy outside but it's not snowing so that's definitely something. It's been so nice outside this week, windy as fuck but still nice enough to get out and run.  In True North Dakota and fashion, The weather can go from 30 degrees outside to 78 sunny and feels like God damn July. Its one of the things I love about North Dakota, it's also one of the things I hate about North Dakota. My body can just never seem to get used to the temperature that I'm supposed to be in, and having allergies is pretty sweet... I'm sure there are places in the world where I might be able to breath all the time. *shrug Thankfully, I was able to get out and get some running in, felt real good to be outside. The sun felt so good on my skin and getting those little three mile runs in just felt so good. This isolation is really really getting old. Even though I'm able to go to work, being stuck in town 24/7 is some

Not all love stories...

How's everyone's week been.? It's been rough, between the nasty ass, cold-ass weather. Frankly. I've just been exhausted. I really haven't been running as much as I would like to. I've gotten a couple of small runs in. But nothing too exciting. I've started to do my nightly workouts again which is really good. I was lucky enough to hang out with my sister this week. She's such an amazing human being and I'm very very blessed to have her as my sister. I'm still definitely looking for my weirdo, I'm sure he's out there somewhere, pushing on a door clearly labeled Pull.  Maybe one day we'll actually meet, who am I kidding... I'm destined to be the crazy cat lady with a shit ton of plants. Honestly, who is going to put up with me going UNSUPERVISED to a plant store and coming back with an ivy that is already large enough to take over a corner of my living room? Meh, what can ya do? I’m just going to chill on this lazy roller co

I'm sick of being inside--- LET ME OUT

  This isolation seems never ending. Granted, I’ve made very little changes to my life since this started. My low maintenance ways are finally paying off! I don’t dye my hair, my nails are shit…. The only thing that sucks is having to wait for my brows to get done… Y’all, I was lucky enough to be able to do this, but if you can, pre-pay for some of your services. Hair, nails, brows, massages… whatever it is, if you can… it helps. I’m hoping this brown noses me into the chair first once this is all over @ArchedandGorgeous *wink,wink. And I got it- The best freaking key chain I’ve ever had in my life- my dear friend Kenzie made this. If you’re looking for some amazing homemade crafts- HIT HER UP! @KenzieSews. She is so fucking talented. She offers a variety of products including this amazing key chain :) I found I’m still able to make friends- I know SHOCKER for me too.. When I learned they were from Louisiana, I wanted to dig up (get it) a little ditty from their home state as so

There's no place like home

Hey guys, last week was rough as an understatement for me and I ended up going to Fargo for work. Easy job,it was so different from any other time I’ve been out that way. This time, Fargo looked like a fucking Ghost Town, I get that this covid-19 shit is important and we all need to practice social distance stuff blah blah blah but for Fucks sake. I am just flabbergasted at how dead everything is. I grew up in a small town, buttfuck nowhere North Dakota and that's how my small town living looked like in my childhood. Definitely not something you expect to see when you're in Fargo or Grand Forks or shit, Bismarck. This last week on my long run I ended up stepping wrong and jacking up my knee, I took a week off to rest it, which would be good but I spent 12 hours crawling around on my knees working in floor boxes. But thankfully my knee is finally starting to feel better so next week back to running, slow down my cross training that I've been pretending but I've been doi