
Showing posts from February, 2020

Holy Fuck! Its Leap day

Y'all,  I spaced it was leap day and I saved this nugget for you.  Cause I love you all for allowing me a creative out look to help me manage my anxiety.  This wonderful group of creepy lovelies helps me realise that being strange or into the dark stuff is okay.  Never change my darlings, never change As it's a leap day, little creepy dessert is in order. I feel that mayne today doesn't count, so enjoy the extra creepy. Chuang-Mu, a Chinese goddess... of bedchambers... yeah... so.. She  divorced her hubby (cause I guess no one wants to keep anyone)and figured that she wanted a change... girl, I feel ya. Anyway,  Chuang-mu decided "imma go be a demon and shit" as a goddess she has a choice- fucking patriarchy am I right?- now as a rare demon goddess, she decides that she wants to fuck up some shit and who wouldnt. After centuries of destruction,  Chuang-mu is finally recognized as a legit badass who takes no shit...basically all the head demons were like &q

Mercury is in RETROGRADE- protect your anus.

  Mercury is fucking with everyone and everything! I felt this hard this week, both at work and in my life. Training is never an easy thing to stick to. Life happens and shit gets in the way. This week has tested my commitment to training on so many levels. Work was INSANE this week… long ass days, mental exhaustion and frankly, I was beat. I have no desire to get going some days. Sometimes when life gets in the way, we have to make the decision to keep on our paths. Today I had my 9 mile run; by mile 4.5 I knew that my shoes were trash. By mile 5 I switched to different shoes but the pain in my arch didn’t stop… mile 6 I ended up going barefoot for the last 3 miles. The pain did stop and I finished my run. My feet are SORE AS FUCK but I did it. I still have my speed work that I wasn’t able to get in because of the long ass days at work, but there’s tomorrow before I get on the road for work. Traveling for work is a challenge when it comes to training. I have to balance work, run

Will run for sheet cake

Wednesday night was speed work. Per Tessa, if you don't wanna cuss the whole time, you're doing it wrong. I started to cuss at my 6th 400 meter sprint. I still had 6 to go. Did I wanna quit? Yup. Did I think about calling my mom to rescue me... yup. But I finished, I went home to devour a ramen size bowl of spaghetti with gluten free garlic bread. What was missing? Cake.. lots of cake. I run cause I get to eat more food... delicious savory foods.  Food is a great motivator,  hell, I'm a free meal away from being your new best friend. The real struggle is knowing how much cake is too much cake... or how much working out do I need to do to eat an entire sheet cake? Anyone know? This is a legit question... DM me your answers... I think I can test these theories. I finished my first week of training with an easy 5k Friday  and a 7 mile run Saturday morning.  11 weeks to go until Fargo. I have never been a fan if dolls, the ones on the store shelves that start talking when

Is this the PLAGUE?

Starting a new training plan is always scary, even more so when your sinuses are plugged ☹ Maybe it’s the Corona virus coming to start a new epic plague. As Dwight would say, ‘its been a while since we’ve had a good plague’ But nevertheless, I persisted. I’ve managed to get 2 training runes already under me. Monday was a nice 4 mile run at an 11 minute pace (I’m not very fast- I’m proud of this fact). Today I was able to get a nice easy 5K in. Tonight will be some lifting at the gym… as my coach says “Bitch, you gotta cross train!” Now, as my coach is a certified badass, I will not disappoint her. She could quite literally kick my ass to Fargo and back without breaking a sweat. Tessa, I love you and thank you dearly for putting up with my bullshit!!! I suffer from anxiety and depression, some days getting up to run is worse than watching paint dry or having a kick in the face with a golf shoe… some days, I would rather have the golf shoe beat down. Running is a way for me to addre

How crazy is crazy... really?

As a runner, I often hear things like “OMG you’re crazy” or “its insane to run 13 miles”. To be frank, its not the 13 miles that's hard... its the .1 mile at the end, cause you should be done, but your not. Not even close.  People aren’t wrong, it takes a special sort of person to wake up at 4:30 on a Monday morning (me… tomorrow) to run, shower and get ready for work. But it takes drive, determination and faith in yourself.  Tomorrow is day 1 of my 12 week journey to the Fargo Go-Far Challenge. If anyone ever reads this and wants to run either the 5k on Friday for medal #1 and join all of us on Saturday May 9 th 2020 for the 5K, 10K, Half Marathon or full… you get not just the 1 medal from Friday… a second for completing ANY race on Saturday but you also get a sweet Challenger medal for the go far. I’m a bling whore and LOVE them medals on my wall. To encourage people to join in my running game, I’m going to start off by going over what used to be crazy with a dusting of
Happy Sunday 🏃‍♀️ I've decided to create a safe place for myself and fellow weirdos who love both the paranormal (and sometimes true crime) in addition to being active. I'll sprinkle in some humor and try to bring on guest bloggers to give advice,  share a creepy tales and help share the funny side of life. This is an adult blog, there will be talk of sex, bodily functions and I'm sure lots of swearing. In my first attempt at blogging, I'd like to give some background into who I am and why I am the way I am 🤞 bare with me  while I figure this out. When I was around 8, my parents bought this amazing 2 story house. Huge rooms, huge closets,  all the space for my older sister Heather and I to run a muck in small town ND. Little did we know this house was Haunted AF. Everyone always says "fuck I'd move"... hard to do when there's no money. We did end up moving years later, we never talked about it while we lived there. Once we moved the stories we